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Dhul Hijjah activity

Assalam alaikum! The best 10 days are here and so I’m sharing an activity we first did in 2019. The girls still enjoy doing this activity and we used it again this year. It’s a great way to go over the Dhikr to say during these days and look at the meanings too. The first time we did these we made a little banner with our completed dhikr hearts and displayed them in our Hajj corner to help remind us to keep saying them. You could also just cut them out and keep them wherever you’d like a reminder, this year we are keeping them next to the kids’ beds so they can remember to say them at bedtime. There is also copy work of the Hadith on Dhul Hijjah as well as matching up the dhikr with its meaning, as it’s always important to know what they mean. For younger kids, the dhikr can also be cut and pasted onto the hearts. Click here for the printable

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